SOAN 2290 Chapter Notes - Chapter 4: Human Capital, Visible Minority, Reverse Discrimination
Document Summary
Chapter 4: the ethnicity experience: politics, identity and power. Debate: how to make society safe for ethnicity, as well as safe from ethnicity (ethnic conflict). Causes of ethnic conflict: social identity, territory, natural resources, self-determination, holy places, economic gains, cultural values, and personal and collective security. Goal: to deconstruct the ethnic in ethnic conflict (a trigger? a cause? a smokescreen?) Mass communication, mass travel, mass consumerism, mass education. Ethnicity explosion: may be related to globalization in that the pressure of global conformity and standardization could induce the desire for asserting ethnicity, politicalization of ethnicity. Ethnification : the fragmentation of society into smaller ethnic communities. Regressive : creates conflict, leads away from global unity. Progressive : provides community of like-minded individuals with commitment and support. Dominant ethnic group: culture, language, values, and social patterns are privileged as normal and desirable, possess the power and resources to establish institutional arrangements and ideological systems consistent with their interests.