SOAN 2290 Chapter Notes - Chapter 6: Domestic Worker, Forced Abortion, Androcentrism

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Societies make a distinction between male and female (some societies are more fluid in this, including intersexed and transgendered persons) Division of labour exists; men work within the public domain of politics; women work within the private realm (maternal and domestic) Male activities within the public domain are valued as superior whereas women"s works is devalued as inferior or irrelevant. Sociologists would discuss there is nothing natural, inevitable or normal about masculinity and femininity. Socially constructed nature of gender and gender relations. Patterns of gender stratification are established that perpetuates prevailing male dominated power and privilege over females and children while reinforcing a gendered and racialized social order. Gender relation becomes unequal relations because gender remains a key variable in shaping negative outcomes. This inequality could be the result of androcentric (see the world from a male normative standard) assumptions. Or society governed by principles of patriarchy (system designed by, prioritized for, and organized around male interests)

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