WMST 1000 Chapter Notes -Takers, Oil Depletion, Individualism

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Stereotypes, omissions and distortions all contribute to the development of prejudice. Prejudice: a preconceived judgement or opinion, usually based on limited information. Cultural racism: the cultural images and messages that affirm the assumed superiority of whites and the assumed superiority of people of colour. Internalized oppression: when a member of the stereotyped group may internalize the stereotypical categories about his or her own groups to some degree. Racism: a system of advantage based on race. David wellman defines racism as a system of advantage based on race. White privilege: the systematic advantages of being white. Beneficiary of racism: a system of advantage based on race. Belief in a just world: when we all think that we deserve the good things we have received, and that others too, get what they deserve. People of any racial group can hold hateful attitudes and behave in racially discriminatory and bigoted ways.

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