SOC 1200 Chapter Notes - Chapter 1: Auguste Comte, Formal System, Visible Minority

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1. 1 explain how the sociological perspective helps us understand that society shapes our individual lives. At the heart of this discipline is a distinctive point of view called the sociological perspective. But sociology is not a concrete body of knowledge; should be seen as a perspective, or a way of looking at the world. Sociological perspective reveals to us the initially strange idea that society shapes what we think and do in patterned ways. How many children do you want average b/t countries differs. Suicide rates some groups are far more likely to commit suicide. People who are more socially integrated were far less likely to commit suicide: higher suicide rates reflect people wealth and freedom (more likely to if rich) Sometimes people feel isolated but for some, feeling like an outsider is a daily occurrence. African americans living in large cities in america.

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