BIO152H5 Chapter Notes - Chapter 1: Eukaryote, Celtis, Ribosomal Rna

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29 Jan 2013

Document Summary

Biological science was founded with the development of (1) the cell theory, and (2) the theory of evolution by natural selection. A phylogenetic tree is a graphical representation of the evolutionary relationships among species. Phylogenies can be established by analyzing similarities and differences in traits. Biologists ask questions, generate hypotheses to answer them, and design experiments that test the predictions made by competing hypotheses. In the late 1660s, robert hooke and anton van leeuwenhoek were the first to observe cells. A cell is a highly organized compartment bounded by a plasma membrane that contains concentrated chemicals in an aqueous solutions. The cell theory states that all organisms are made of cells and all cells comes from pre-existing cells. A predication is something that can be measured and must be correct if a hypothesis is valid. Because all cells come from pre-existing cells, all individuals in a population of single-celled.