BIO152H5 Chapter Notes - Chapter 13: Dihybrid Cross, Punnett Square, Nettie Stevens

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Blending inheritance: two traits blend together for intermediate trait. (black + white=grey) Inheritance of acquired characteristics- giraffes acquire long necks by stretching for food, pass trait to offspring. Model organism: small, short-lived, inexpensive to care for, able to produce large numbers of offspring, easy to manipulate experimentally. Genetics: branch of biology that focuses on the inheritance of traits. Peas were a good choice because he could control which parents were involved in a mating, and could arrange matings between individuals that differed in easily recognizable traits. Cut off male reproductive parts before any pollen could form (sperm cells form in pollen grains), and brushed pollen from pollen grains of other plants on the female reproductive parts. Seed shape, seed color, pod shape, pod color, flower color, flower and pod position, and stem length. Mendel began his work by mating individuals from pure lines (produce offspring identical to themselves; result from selfing or cross-pollinating to another member of the pure-line population).