CLA204H5 Chapter 19: CLA204- Ch 19
Document Summary
Cla204- chapter 19: jason and the myths of iolcus and calydon. The peneus river flows through thessaly, issuing as a torrent from the steep pindus range, the backbone of greece. Jason belonged to the family of the aeolids, descendants of aeolus, eponym of the aeolians, a tribe of northern and central. Aeolus was king of magnesia, in thessaly, a son of hellen and grandson of deucalion and pyrrha. Athamas, one of the unluckiest men in greek legend. Athamas" first wife, nephele, bore him a boy phrixus and a girl helle but eventually athamas tired of nephele, took a second wife ino, daughter of cadmus of thebes. Salmoneus, brother of athamas, had a daughter named tyro, who became the grandmother of jason. Pelias kept his half brother aeson imprisoned in the palace of iolcus, for some reason said to be the rightful heir. Pelias took a wife and fathered several daughters.