CCT324H5 Chapter Notes - Chapter 6: Agreeableness, Mental Models, Common Purpose
Document Summary
Group: 2 or more people with a common relationship ex. Teams: small # of ppl + complimentary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, approach for which they hold themselves accountable. Works on problem solving continuously, not scheduled. Effectiveness = through measuring of outcomes as teams, not individuals. Can be more motivated + flexible + multiple talents and skills. Make products + provide services + negotiate deals + coordinate projects + offer advice + made decisions. 5-12 ppl from same department meet weekly. Do not have authority to implement, only to recommend. 10-15 ppl related + interdependent jobs + responsibilities of the manager. Beliefs + transferring power to members from managers. Employees from same hierarchal level from different areas to accomplish task. Diversity exchange info + new ideas + problem solve + coordinate complex projects. Takes time to organize the complexity + diversity of the team.