CCT324H5 Chapter Notes - Chapter 2: Big Five Personality Traits, Veve, Fundamental Attribution Error
Document Summary
I(cid:373)po(cid:396)ta(cid:374)t (cid:271)/(cid:272): ppl"s behavior is based on their perception of reality, not on reality itself. Perception: how individuals organize + interpret their impressions to give meaning to their environment. Hard to change perception even with evidence. The important world is the one perceived. Your (the perceiver) interpretation of something is influenced by personal characteristics. Peoples perception of others reveal about themselves. Loud ppl easily noticed in a group of quiet ppl. We do(cid:374)"t look at ta(cid:396)gets i(cid:374) isolatio(cid:374)s, (cid:396)elatio(cid:374)ship of ta(cid:396)get + (cid:271)a(cid:272)kg(cid:396)ou(cid:374)d = pe(cid:396)(cid:272)eptio(cid:374) Do(cid:374)"t (cid:374)oti(cid:272)e de(cid:272)ked out ppl at (cid:272)lu(cid:271) (cid:271)ut do i(cid:374) (cid:272)lass. Perceiving + interpreting why others do what they do takes time. Te(cid:272)h(cid:374)i(cid:395)ues to (cid:373)ake is easie(cid:396) a(cid:396)e (cid:373)ade (cid:271)ut (cid:272)a(cid:374) lead to t(cid:396)ou(cid:271)le . Attribution theory: we judge ppl differently based on meaning we attribute to behavior. Consensus: everyone in same situation responds similarly. Fundamental attribution error: underestimate influence of external and overestimate internal.