CCT324H5 Chapter Notes - Chapter 1: Outsourcing, Bbdo, Electronic Body Music

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Organizational behavior: study that investigates the impact of individuals, groups, and structure of behavior within the organizations. To apply knowledge and improve orgs effectiveness. Organization: consciously coordinated social unit, composed by a group of people to that function of a regular basis to achieve a common goal or set of goals. Roles between managers and employers are being blurred. At this point, interpersonal skills is just as important as the technical aspects of a business. Psychology: measure, explain, and sometimes change behavior of others. Learning, motivation, personality, emotions, perceptions, training, leadership, satisfa(cid:272)tio(cid:374), (cid:449)ork stress et(cid:272) . Social psychology: blends sociology + psyc = peoples influence on eachother. Measures, understand, changes attitudes, communication patterns, trust. Sociology: studies people in relation to their social environment or culture. Group behavior in formal/complex organizations, culture change. Studies formal theory/structure , tech, comm, and conflict. Anthropology: studies about societies to learn about human activities.

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