CCT324H5 Chapter Notes - Chapter 10: Ethical Movement, Organizational Culture, Dominant Culture

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System of shared meaning held by members that distinguishes the organizations from other organizations. The (cid:862)soul(cid:863) of the org mintzberg. Seven characteristics: different degrees of each for different organizations: innovation and risk taking, attention to detail, outcome orientation, people orientation, team orientation, aggressiveness, stability. Artifacts: aspects of an org that is seen/heard/felt. Beliefs: understanding how objects/ideas relate to each other. Assumptions: taken-for-gra(cid:374)ted assu(cid:373)ptio(cid:374)s a(cid:271)out ho(cid:449) so(cid:373)ethi(cid:374)g"s should (cid:271)e i(cid:374) a(cid:374) organization. Commitment to something larger than own interest. Molds attitudes + behavior to make sense of organizations. Innovation = strong leadership communicating goals is needed. Teams show greater allegiance to team values than org as a whole. Virtual org: hard to set a common set of norms. Shared perception about organization and work environment + team spirit. Shared concepts of right/wrong behaviors = values of org. Categorize + measure ethical dimensions of organizational cultures. Instrumental + caring + independence+ law & code + rules. Common core values/dominant (primary) values organization.

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