HIS242H5 Chapter Notes - Chapter 2: Anti-Imperialism, Anti-Communism, Petrograd Soviet

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10 Oct 2017

Document Summary

Chapter 2 world war 1: european crisis and american opportunity. In 1914, war engulfed the european continent: everyone expected a quick end but instead experienced 4 years of brutal, mechanized warfare that required total mobilization on the home front. American neutrality: europe"s (cid:1005)(cid:1004)(cid:1004)-year peace ended in august 1914 as the central powers germany, austria- Republic, nicaragua & liberia: neutralit(cid:455) (cid:449)as(cid:374)"t a lo(cid:374)g-ter(cid:373) politi(cid:272)al optio(cid:374), due to ger(cid:373)a(cid:374)(cid:455)"s aggressi(cid:448)e naval warfare & growing domestic pressure for intervention (germans sank british luxury liner in which. In britain, trade unions gained recognition in turn for cooperation in war production. Skilled jobs were diluted (broken into series of unskilled tasks. In face of horrendous military casualties, skyrocketing food prices, food shortages, inflation, inequality of sacrifices demanded soldiers deserted & women protested, workers struck. In labour protest across europe escalated & became politicized - demanded higher wages, etc. In russia, war led to a revolution, a new communist sort.

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