MGT363H5 Chapter Notes - Chapter 1: Empowered, Ellisdon, Frederick Winslow Taylor
Document Summary
The evolution of organization theory and design: organization theory is a way to see and analyze orgs more accurately and deeply than we otherwise would based on patterns and regularities in org design behaviour. Historical perspectives: modern era of management theory began with the classical management perspective, work was being performed on a larger scale so needed to know how to design & manage. Current challenges: world is rapidly changing, specific challenges include dealing with: Globalization rapid changes in technology and communications, markets and organizations are interconnected, interdependence makes for more competition where parts of a product can be made in diff countries for lower costs) Ensuring high standards of ethics and social responsibility, responding rapidly to environmental changes and customer needs, and supporting diversity. Managing the digital workplace (companies taking e-business to high levels, companies using intermediation eliminating the middleperson means org leaders need to manage a web of relationships with employees, suppliers, contract partners and customers.