MGT363H5 Chapter Notes - Chapter 5: Coevolution, Uptodate, Strategic Alliance
Document Summary
Is competition dead: traditional competition, which assumes a distinct company competing for survival. Companies use their strength today to win conflicts & negotiations, but ultimately cooperation carries the day. In this new world, managers think about horizontal processes rather than vertical structures. Interorganizational framework: relationships among organizations can be classified by whether the orgs are dissimilar or similar and whether relationships are competitive or cooperative 4 types . Resource strategies: when orgs feel resource or supply constraints, this theory says they maintain their autonomy through a variety of strategies (described in ch4 as well) and hence reduce uncertainty, strategies, adapt to or alter the interdependent relationships. In resource-dependence theory, large, independent companies have power over small suppliers ex. From adversaries to partners: more companies are changing from a traditional adversarial mind-set to a partnership orientation. Team members work with outside suppliers side by side. If niche not available, org will decline and may die or strategies used by the org.