MGT363H5 Chapter Notes - Chapter 8: Blockbuster Llc, Charismatic Authority, Creative Accounting
Document Summary
Chapter 8 organization size, life cycle, and decline. Greater size gives these companies power in the marketplace and thus increases revenue. Huge resources & economies of scale are needed for many orgs to compete globally. Ex. only a large org can build a massive pipeline in the north. Large orgs have the resources to be a supportive economic and social force in difficult times ex. federal gov only org that has enough resources to do evacuations. Large orgs also able to get back to business more quickly following a disaster, giving employees sense of security & belonging during an uncertain time. Complexity offers hundreds of functional specialties within the org to perform. Large companies standardized, often mechanistically run, complex multifaceted tasks & to produce varied & complicated products. Large orgs, once established, can be a presence that stabilizes a market for years & at which managers can work for many years: provides employee longevity, raises, promotions, small.