PSY313H5 Chapter Notes -Metamemory, Procedural Memory, Spaced
Document Summary
In information processing models, component of working memory that allows information about sounds and language to be kept in consciousness. In craik"s terminology, amount of mental energy a person has available to focus on a. In information-processing models of memory, component of working memory that selects and processes sensory inputs and transforms them into meaningful mental representations; it also can retrieve information from long-term memory. Forms of unconscious learning in which a previously neutral stimulus (one that does not ordinarily elicit a particular involuntary response) comes to elicit the response as a result of repeated association with a stimulus that normally produces the response. In information-processing models, memory for facts and events that can be recalled or recognized and stated verbally or can cause feelings of familiarity; compare with non- declarative memory. In balte"s terminology, extent to which memory can be improved with training.