PSY313H5 Chapter 10: Chapter 10 study guide
Document Summary
Having a partner- some people have it- others wouldn"t regret it- because has family for support. don"t have a postive background to follow- you are what you"re exposed to- ex. when retire, have new way of looking at life. Inelastic ego: can"t teach old dog new t ricks- not t rue based on research- its just a stereotype- since old people know their time is limited, not urgency in problem solving. men are happier wit marriage vs. women, the older they get. when marriage broke up, kids can be neglected, women= financially unstable. need to appreciate and support kids- not reject- accept them as they are. withgrandchildren, have lots of time- precious time- can influence them in many ways. Important to feel needed and loved as we get older. some people make up relationship with own kids through grandkids. chance to preserve culture and heritage through grandchildren.