PSY313H5 Chapter 6: Chapter 6 Study Guide
Document Summary
Practically all countries around the world are on the edge of a major crisis in helath care. Several events or factors are coming together to create a potential catastrophe in health care. One factor is demographic: the fastest growing segment of the population is the oldest-old (those individuals over the age of 85). this period of the life span is called the. The oldest-old are known to have reduced reserve capacity for responding yo health threats and thus are more vulnerable to the consequences of diseases and stress. Second factor is the critical aspect of the health care systems are substantially ineffective. The quality of care and the availability of services are not up to the impeding demands of supporting long term care. Systems of health care are influx, substantially underfunded, suboptimal in quality of care and coverage, and inefficient in accessibility. Also reasons for concern about the availability of informal support and family caregiving.