PSY313H5 Chapter 5: Chapter 5 Guide
Document Summary
% of adults with mental disorders < in older age groups compared to middle- and younger-aged adults. Age of onset for depression ^ other mental disorders more likely earlier in life than later. Mental health: state of successful mental functioning resulting in productive activities, fulfilling relationships, ability to adapt to change and cope with adversity. Measures of prevalence, severity, durability of mental disorders are standard markers of mental health in epidemiology. 46% prevalence rate for suffering from one disorder, 28% two or more, 17% 3 or more. Age of first onset of mental disorders = usually adolescence, early adulthood. Median age for anxiety disorders & impulse control disorders much earlier than for substance use disorders and mood disorders. Very narrow range for age of first onset for most disorders. % of those who experienced distress w/i last 30 days highest for 45-64, blacks. Erp: age has negative association with early erps for happiness, positive association with later erps for fear.