SOC100H5 Chapter Notes - Chapter 9: Infertility, Human Capital, Artificial Insemination
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Most intense emotional experiences are with our families and large % of homicides occur within families and intimate relationships. In the 1800s, they were referring to the idea of individualism and when the family goes through rapid change, and divorce rates increase. Referring to the nuclear family: consists of cohabiting man and woman who maintain a socially approved sexual relationship and have at least one child. Narrowly see it as the traditional nuclear family: a nuclear family in which the husband works outside the home for money and the wife works without pay in the home man is the primary provider and ultimate authority. Nuclear family has been declining over the years: women are in the labor force now, new family forms, including single-parent families, common-law families, gay/lesbian families are more. Others disagree with this (from fem/conflict) and say that it isn"t accurate to discuss the family as if this social institution only has one form.