SOC100H5 Chapter Notes - Chapter 4: Mark Granovetter, Milgram Experiment, Groupthink
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Social interaction involves communicating face to face or via computer, acting and reacting in relation to other people. It is structured around norms, roles, and statuses. Role set - a cluster of roles attached to a single status ex. woman=wife that has legal responsibilities, co-owner of a home. Role conflict takes place when a different role demands are placed on a person by two or more statuses held at the same time ex. Role strain occurs when incompatible role demands are placed on a person in a single status ex. Laughter in everyday life, is not spontaneous, it is often a signal of who has higher or lower status. 3 building blocks of social interactions: 1. People occupy a status, they perform a role. Norm a generally accepted way of doing things. Most people think that emotions are a lot like the common cold, in both cases, an external disturbance causes a reaction that people presumably experience involuntarily.