SOC100H5 Chapter Notes - Chapter 10: Protestant Work Ethic, Symbolic Interactionism, Charismatic Authority
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He said that when people live together, they come to share common sentiments and values that form a collective . Set practices designed to connect people to the sacred. : is weber"s term for the transformation of divine enlightenment into permanent feature of everyday life. It involves turning religious inspiration into a stable social institution with defined roles (interpreters of the divine message, teaches, dues-paying laypeople, and so on) Marx first stressed how religion often tranquilizes the under privileged into accepting their lot in life. Weber and the problem of social change: a symbolic interactionist interpretation. Stressed the way religion can contribute to social change. Interested in explaining the rise of modern capitalism. People can reduce their religious doubts and living simply- weber called it the protestant ethic. According to the secularization thesis religious institutions, actions, and consciousness are likely to disappear, but they are certainly on the decline worldwide.