SOC100H5 Chapter : Detailed Textbook Notes
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SOC100H5 Full Course Notes
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People who interact in a defined territory & share a culture. societies with simplest technology have little control over nature, so they can support. Changes that occur as a society gains new technology small # of people; societies with complex technology (cars/cell phones) support hundreds of millions of people in more affluent ways of life. more technology society has, the faster it changes. 5 types of societies, defined by their technology: hunter-gatherer, horticultural & pastoral, agrarian. nomadic moving to find new sources of vegetation or follow migrating animals. societies with more powerful technology using their lands for other purposes & reducing. Use of simple tools to hunt animals & gather vegetation their food supply causing hunter/gatherer societies to disappear. hunters & gatherers living where food was plentiful saw little reason to change their. Use of hand tools to raise crops ways. growing plants & raising animals greatly increased food production, so populations.