SOC100H5 Chapter 3: Chapter 3

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10 Feb 2011
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SOC100H5 Full Course Notes
SOC100H5 Full Course Notes
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Chapter three: culture: defn: refers to the ways of thinking, ways of acting, and the material objects that. What is culture? together shape a people"s way of life. Culture, nation, state, and society life share a culture, ancestry and history boundary who share a culture state: political entity in a territory with designated borders society: organized interaction of people within a nation, state or other. Symbols: defn: anything that carries a particular meaning recognized by people who share a culture, ex: whistle, flashing lights, fist raised in air. Language: hellen keller- born blind and deaf, anne mansfield sullivan (teacher)- used sign language to help keller. Language sets humans apart as the only creatures that are self-conscious, aware of our limitations and ultimate mortality. Children understand the idea of family before they learn the word: adults can imagine new ideas or things before naming them.

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