SOC100H5 Chapter Notes - Chapter 9: Gender Equality, Infertility, Division Of Property
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Nuclear family: consists of a cohabiting man and woman who maintain a socially approved sexual relationship and have at least one child. Traditional nuclear family: a nuclear family in which the husband works outside the home for money and the wife works without pay in the home. Less than 39% of canadian families in 2011 were nuclear in comparison to 57% in 1981, 69% in 1901. Single-parent, common-law, gay and lesbian families have become increasingly prevalent in recent decades. Functionalists view decreasing prevalence of married-couple family and rise of. Rising rates of crime, drug use, poverty, welfare dependency o. Structured in many ways to accommodate social pressures. Changing family forms do not represent deterioration in quality of people"s lives. Various economic and political reforms, creation of affordable nationwide daycare system could eliminate negative effects of single-parent households. Functional theory of family: issues raised by functionalism focus of sociological controversy. Conflict and feminist: nuclear family decline less prevalent.