SOC100H5 Chapter Notes - Chapter 7: Symbolic Ethnicity, Social Inequality, Irish Canadian

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SOC100H5 Full Course Notes
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Encouraged the immigraion of britons, germans, danes and discouraged the immigraion of poles, Later groups scored low on sandiford"s iq tests and he believed that their intellectual inferiority was rooted in their biological makeup. Jewish ppl were also scoring lower than non-jewish ppl. Modern ime = blacks lower than european american. Descendants of sandiford"s low-iq asians are among the stars of the canadian system of higher educaion today. Enriched educaional faciliies rouinely boost the iq scores and achievements of poor black children. The social seing in which a person is raised and educated has a big impact on iq. Yes, there are more black nfl and na players, etc etc. these facts do exist but o o o o o o. The argument for the geneic basis of black athleic superiority begins to falter once we consider. Nobody has ever ideniied genes linked to general athleic superiority.

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