SOC100H5 Chapter Notes - Chapter 7: Heritage Canada, Social Forces, Africville

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1920, peter sandiford (prof) administered iq tests and said canada must ensure. 1. ppl who argued against immigration of certain groups ignored 2 facts: Iq scores are remarkably flexible (i. e. asians among stars of canadian system education today, as jews experienced upper mobility & could afford higher education, 2. social setting person is raised and education has big impact on iq. average iq of members of ethnic groups has nothing to do with biology. Prejudice: attitude that judges person on his/her group"s real/imagined characterisitcs. Discrimination: unfair treatment of ppl b/c of group membership (i. e. not until. 18/19 century, as european settlers" fur trade gave way to harvesting of timber, minerals, oils & gas, aboriginal ppl thrown aside so canada economy can grow. 1. potential demographic decline of quebecois: women giving birth to fewer children than any other province, popn declining, many felt were becoming endangered specie.