SOC341H5 Chapter 10: notes for chapter 10 textbook reading associated with lecture 2
Document Summary
Empt: mobility & stability of class position differs greatly = social class highly variable. Positively privileged: property classes: rentiers recv"ing income from owning land/ factories, commercial classes: entrepreneurs offering services on market, professionals lawyers & physicians. Negatively privileged: paupers & unskilled have no property or specialized skills. Marx social class & class-consciousness = class struggle: class solidarity did not happen w/ new white collar propertyless specialist www. notesolution. com, class struggle doesn"t need to occur as can co-exist amongst diff class, eg. Poor white trash + plantation worker: no simple relationship b/w class position &consciousness class differentiation not as dynamic as marx described. Status situation diff b/w social groups" social esteem/prestige/honour. Status groups expressed thru consumption lifestyle speech, education, occupation, apparel. Status & class may not always correspond: genteel poverty high status + little economic wealth, class/status/political groups represent interests determined thru class or status position = power position in community.