WGS250H5 Chapter : Imperialism and Motherhood- Davin.docx

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29 Feb 2012

Document Summary

use of malthusianism and eugenics by the british government to encourage population growth among the british with the goal of producing more soldiers. davin argues that such policies focused on teaching women to be better mothers in order to increase the population of whites as a race able to colonize the world. emphasis on the value of a healthy and numerous population as a national resource. tended to believe that excessive population was dangerous, leading to overuse of resources and thus to war, epidemic disease and other natural checks on growth. radical neo-malthusians- recommended contraception as an artificial check on population and therefore a preventive of poverty (which they attributed to overpopulation) eugenics- wanted a selective limitation on population growth, to prevent the deterioration of the race and decline as an imperial nation through the proliferation of those they regarded as unfit (to breed)