ANTA02H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 5: Azawagh Arabs, Azawagh, Body Plan

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4 Apr 2011

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beauty ideal and what they mean to a society. sahara desert is home to moors (muslims) for whom the ideal female beauty is obesity. all societies modify the human body in some way and have done so since the beginnings of civilizations. humans are in some way programmed to respond to beauty. universal ideals of beauty include: youthfulness, smooth skin, symmetry, and for women, hips that are wider than their waists. researchers have concluded that what is considered most beautiful is often that which is most average. 81% of the world"s societies prefer plumpness ; this does not include the moor societies as their preference is extremely more bigger than just plumpness . obesity has a negative biomedical connotation and is a stigmatized body form in the. some societies see plumpness as happiness, beauty and sexual appeal - fijians,

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