BIOA02H3 Chapter 31: Chapter 31 Textbook Notes
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In contrast to the bacteria, archaea, and most microbial eukaryotes, all animals are multicellular. Animal life cycles feature complex patterns of development from a single-celled zygote into a multicellular adult. plants, all animals are heterotrophs. Animals are able to synthesize very few organic molecules from inorganic chemicals, so they must take in nutrients from their environment. heterotrophs. In contrast to the fungi, however, animals use internal processes to break down materials from their environment into the organic molecules they need most. Most animals ingest food into an internal gut that is continuous with the outside environment, in which digestion takes place. plants, most animals can move. Animals must move to find food or bring food to. Animals have specialized muscle tissues that allow them to move, and many animal body plans are specialized for movement. Animal monophyly is supported by gene sequences and morphology.