BIOC50H3 Chapter 23: Lecture 21- Chapter 23 Key Terms
Chapter 23 Key Terms
x adaptive management
o A component of ecosystem management in which management actions are seen
as experiments and future management decisions are determined by the outcome
of present decisions.
x biological reserve
o An often small nature reserve established with the conservation of a single species
or ecological community as the main conservation objective.
x buffer zone
o A portion of a nature reserve surrounding a core natural area where controls on
land use are less stringent than in the core natural area, yet land uses are at least
natural area.
x core natural area
o A portion of a nature reserve where the conservation of biodiversity and
ecological integrity takes precedence over other values or uses. Compare buffer
x ecosystem management
o An approach to habitat management in which scientifically-based policies and
practices guide management decisions on how best to meet an overarching goal of
sustaining ecosystem structure and function for long periods of time.
x edge effects
o Biotic and abiotic changes that are associated with an abrupt habitat boundary
such as that created by habitat fragmentation.
x extent
o In landscape ecology, the area or time period over which observations are
collected for a region under study; together with grain, extent characterizes the
scale at which a landscape is studied. Compare grain.
x grain
o In landscape ecology, the size of the smallest homogeneous unit of study (such as
a pixel in a digital image), which determines the resolution at which a landscape
is observed; together with extent, grain characterizes the scale at which a
landscape is studied. Compare extent.
x habitat corridor
o A relatively narrow patch that connects blocks of habitat and often facilitates the
movement of species between those blocks.
x heterogeneity
o The quality or state of consisting of dissimilar elements.
x landscape
o An area that is spatially heterogeneous either in its elements (such as the
vegetative cover types found at different locations) or in how those elements are
x landscape composition
Document Summary
N adaptive management: a component of ecosystem management in which management actions are seen as experiments and future management decisions are determined by the outcome of present decisions. N biological reserve: an often small nature reserve established with the conservation of a single species or ecological community as the main conservation objective. N buffer zone: a portion of a nature reserve surrounding a core natural area where controls on land use are less stringent than in the core natural area, yet land uses are at least. N core natural area: a portion of a nature reserve where the conservation of biodiversity and ecological integrity takes precedence over other values or uses. N ecosystem management: an approach to habitat management in which scientifically-based policies and practices guide management decisions on how best to meet an overarching goal of sustaining ecosystem structure and function for long periods of time.