EESA06H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 7&8: Sedimentary Rock

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19 Mar 2013

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Most of earth"s exposed surface is covered by sediment and sedimentary rocks. Sediment is transported by moving water, ice and wind and deposited in environments. Sedimentary rock is an important host of energy, mineral, and water resources. Mountain environments: erosion is vigorous on steep slopes and provide abundant sediment; once it is produced, the sediment can be transported out of the mountains and into other settings. Streams and rivers in mountains: as streams and rivers leave the mountains, they can develop a braided appearance defined by channels that split apart and rejoin. Dry climates: wind picks up and moves sand grains and finer particles; the moving grains form fields of sand dunes. When snow on mountains becomes ice flow downhill as a glacier, they erode underlying materials and carry sediment away ; the sediment and water are released upon melting of the ice.

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