EESA06H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 5: Atomic Nucleus, Atomic Number, Biotite

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10 Aug 2017

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What are minerals: minerals can be defined as a family of naturally occurring, crystalline substances that are physically and chemically distinctive, building blocks of rocks. Lighter isotope is more common than the heavier one in chlorine. Ions exist because typical atoms is most stable when each of its energy levels is completely filled with electrons that is when the electric energy around the nucleus is compact and concentrated. Innermost energy level in standard model of atom is full when it possesses 2 electrons: 2nd and 3rd orbital energy levels each require 8 electrons for an atom to be nonreactive, e. g. 2 ions that bond to form halite are chlorine and sodium. Sodium has complete inner energy level with 2 electrons and 2nd energy level also filled with 8 electrons. Ionic radii play an important role in arranging atoms in a crystalline structure.

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