EESA06H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 4: Himalayas, Schist, Diorite
Document Summary
Sediments formed from the wearing down of other rocks. Process: deposition, precipitation (things coming out of a solution) and cemented. Compaction: when cement piles on top of one another, it gets squished and there"s less air between the grains and they get compacted. Eg: loose sediments like sand turned into a sedimentary rock. Cementation: something sticky is able to stick the grains together. Often, it is silica or calcite cement that sticks them together that turns them from loose sediment into a rock. Different places where sediments gather together and form sedimentary rocks. A sedimentary rock found on the beach would be a sandstone. In the deep water there are sediments such as clay or silt. Sand, silt, pebbles, boulders are examples of clastic sediments. Using this you can make chemical or biological rocks. This would be biological or biochemical sedimentary rocks. Making sedimentary rocks: read in detail 7. 3, 15. 1 - 15. 4 1) physical weathering and 2) chemical weathering.