EESA06H3 Chapter 1: Study guide and notes on chapter 1

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23 Feb 2011

Document Summary

Chapter 1: i ntroduction to physical geology and the environment: geology: means the the study of the earth. came into being in the late eighteenth century. Geologists are those who investigated planet earth and ways of exploiting the growing demand for minerals: william smith published first detailed geological map in 1815. He was called the father of english geology. In north america geological mapping began in the mid-nineteenth century-driven by the need to locate resources for the expanding population: william logan was the first to systematically describe the geology of. Canada: use to believe that the earth was 6000 years old, but the earth is actually 4500 billion years old. Humans have only been here for the past 3 million years. Refer to page 5 of how long each species have been on earth. Select a methodology to collect data in order to solve the problem. Then analyze and interpret the information using graphics.

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