ENGD80H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 11: Rape Crisis Center, World Health Organization, Consciousness Raising
Document Summary
Campbell, r. , adams, a. e. , wasco, s. m. , ahrens, c. e. , sefl, t. (2009). Training interviewers for research on sexual violence: a qualitative study of rape survivors" recommendations for interview practice. According to an qualitative empirical study conducted by the authors, face-to-face interviewing of sexual violence survivors suggests that training must focus on diversity in order to effectively work with participans living with various life circumstances. Warmth, compassion, and the ability to exercise choice is also essential in the interviewing process of these studies (596) These insights and recommendations can be a useful training resource for researchers . Interview methodology in violence against women rose to prominence in the early 1980s. Raises the question as to how interviewers are trained for this sensitive kind of work. Two stage approach to prepare interviewers for work with violence survivors: introductory course based on rape crisis centre programs and volunteer training at domestic violence shelters, where agency staff instruct content.