HISB31H3 Chapter : Grenville chapter notes
Document Summary
The selborne memorandum by william waldegrave palmer, earl of selborne. Lord william waldegrave palmer, second earl of selborne, was appointed british high commissioner in south africa in 1905 unlike his predecessor, alfred milner, palmer had considerable sympathy for largely agrarian afrikaner population of transvaal and. Orange free state he opposed milner"s policy of anglicization through immigration, and supported move toward responsible government for south africa. Palmer is best known for his memorandum of 1907, which ostensibly focused on railroad consolidation but ultimately laid out a road map for bringing together south africa"s various colonies. Senghor was born in the french colony of senegal in 1906, the son of a well-to-do landowner won a scholarship to the sorbonne in paris, where he met fellow intellectuals aim c saire and l on damas. African economic community in 1984, senghor became first african elected to the french academy.