HISB31H3 Chapter : Week 11 Grenville notes

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31 Dec 2010

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Winston churchill became prime minister on 10 may 1940 of a national government joined by labour and the liberals. France was divided into occupied and unoccupied areas the whole atlantic coast came under german control; south and south-eastern. Soviet aggression in 1939 and 1940 was, in part, pure aggrandisement to recover what had once belonged to the russian empire and more, but also to improve russia"s capacity for defence. Jews in germany and conquered europe were still allowed to live; hitler liked to keep options open: alternative solutions to isolate the. Us would certainly have refused to make peace on any terms other than unconditional surrender the japanese sought to justify their wars of expansion at home and abroad both as self-defence and as fulfilling a mission of liberating. Yugoslav, hungarian, polish, and romanian losses were heavy; in central europe, the poles suffered far more than their neighbours.

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