HISB31H3 Chapter : Tutorial Notes 1

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2 Jan 2011

Document Summary

Italy literacy rates were lower than france, germany. S northern italy had more progress and southern italy was more agricultural based still. S germany had a shift in political system to chancellor. Industrial revolution was late in germany, but when it did happen germany increased productivity exponentially which worried france. S: colonies india, japan, african countries (nigeria, congo, south africa), australia and new zealand, canada, Hong kong, brazil: rise of consumerism way europeans shaped themselves as consumers rather than just workers or neighbours. S conspicuous consumers showing off wealth by spending wealth as consumers. S colonies were encouraged to use products that they produced, which was later used by abolitions to show off things such as cannibalism. 20th century colonialism, wwi, wwii, political changes (monarchy liberalism, democracy) S work is tedious as it takes 7 years for the tree to grow. S pay was very little, profit was high.

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