HISB31H3 Chapter : Tutorial 2 Notes
Document Summary
N british established it as colonial head, by military, economic, and standard of rational because they are all of sudden calling for the abolishment of slave trade abolition of slave trade (uk) N north vs. south slave labour concentrated in south, making up 1/3 population, due to plantation and agriculture: north had only about 1% slaves in their population because they were more industrial circulation of slaves profit vs. labour) N abraham lincoln said in canada that slavery was needed and he never condemned it really. N imperialist (economic) vs. security/defence in america, it was put forth that imperialism was important for security/defence: monroe doctrine said that the us was against european imperialism in us backyards. N america would need naval power (pacific and atlantic), however most important was the panama canal because the. Panama canal was a connection between the pacific and the atlantic oceans, which was lucrative economically (charging fees to pass through it) as well as military-wise.