HISB31H3 Chapter : Tutorial 9 Notes
Document Summary
Differences between world war i and world war ii. Wwii soldiers only trench warfare civilians casualties total warfare (prisoners of war) use of better technology psychological warfare (media, propaganda) N france power lower surrender in a few weeks. N hilberg is pointing out the decentralized and compartmentalized system that was in place. Hilberg says that much in the destruction of the jews is familiar and even commonplace in the context of contemporary institutions and practices. Hilberg means to say that while the holocaust"s operations were not planned, hitler always wanted to go through the. He knew that there would be a right time and that the start of the second world war was the perfect time for the. A decree defining the term jew , expropriations of jewish property, the physical separation and isolation of the victims, forced labour, deportation, gassings these were not random moves, instead, each was a stage in the development.