HLTA02H3 Chapter : The Embodiment of Inequity.docx
Document Summary
Concept map (summary: health disparities related to poltico-socio-economic and cultural levels. Outcome: disproportionate (health) burden of aboriginal people: history of colonialism and paternalism autonomy is limited in terms of health care in. Aboriginal society - reinstitutionalize and deindividualized - taking their identities. Discriminatory practices - racists attitudes, and sexists e. g. creation of reserved system and relocation of communities: genetic component but ses and poverty societal stressors and inadeq. Resources society created: encroachment (intrusion) history and dispossession linked to politic economic disadv. And marginalization: assembly of first nations (afn) reflects health and equity and pay attentions to individual effects of inequity. Concern in policies, holistic health, prevention and prevention and after care. Of cultural differences in understanding health vs. definition of health in a biomedical perspective on health and healing where patient is passive and compliant in treatments prescribed by their physicians.