HLTB15H3 Chapter : Measles Textbook Notes
Document Summary
Measles is also known as rubeola, hard measles, red measles, 9-day measles, morbilli, hasbah is a common, acute, viral infectious disease, principally of children. Symptoms: fever, typical red, blotchy rash combined with cough, coryza (common cold), or conjunctivitis (pink eye). A vaccine-preventable disease, and its vaccine is one of the vaccines included in the expanded programme on immunication (epi) of the who. Measles is caused by a virus which is in the genus morbillivirus of the family paramyxoviridae. One of the most highly communicable diseases, transmitted by contact of susceptible individuals with the nose and throat secretions of infected persons primarily by droplet spread. Infection also occurs by direct and indirect contact through freshly soiled articles and airborne transmission. No reservoirs of measles other than human beings. Period of communicability is from slightly before onset of symptoms (prodromal phase) to 4 days after the start of the rash.