HLTB21H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 8: Edwin Chadwick, Industrial Revolution, Cholera Riots

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Pettenkofer"s theory said that there was a factor in the air, called x, but x could not cause disease itself. They factor was required, which was found in the soil. Y also could not cause disease alone; however, when x got into the soil with y it caused z, a miasma". Miasmatists: believed that disease arises from bad vapors and not contagious agents. The cholera epidemic began in the slums, and the poor suffered the most. Cholera was believed to travel in air, breathed in by all. Max pettenkofer"s (first scientific hygienist) thought that its causes were filth. Koch used his microscope to see bacteria swimming in the feces of 12 cholera patients, he called it vibrio cause of it vibrating wiggles. In ancient times, outbreaks of disease were considered to be caused by divine intervention, a punishment for the wicked: later it was believed that there were vapors of plagues miasmas that caused disease.

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