HLTB21H3 Chapter 1: In-depth notes on chapter 1
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4 Dec 2010
Document Summary
(1976) peter turner, wwii veteran, fell ill following a stay at a hotel in pennsylvania for a legionnaires" convention. Early symptoms: high fever, chills, headache, and muscle ache and pains. Later symptoms (a few days later): dry couch, chest pains, shortness of breath, vomiting, and diarrhea. Final symptoms (a week later): lungs filled with fluid and pus, confusion, disorientation, hallucinations, and loss of memory. 221 others legionnaires also became ill and 33 of them including turner died of pneumonia. Pathway of spread of disease: *aspiration* of bacteria (called legionella) in *aerosolized* water from ac, while in lobby of the. Unlike infections caused by inhalation, aspiration is produced by choking. Since this outbreak, there have been 11,000 documented cases of legionnaire"s disease annual in the us and estimates of 100,000 with a fatality rate of 15%. Outbreaks have been traced to water heaters, whirlpool baths, respiratory therapy equipment, and ultrasonic misters used in grocery stores.