HLTB21H3 Chapter 1&2: Chapter 1 & 2 important definitions
Document Summary
Plague- highly infectious, usually fatal epidemic disease. /a serious, potentially life-threatening infectious disease that is usually transmitted to humans by the bites of rodent fleas. Parasites organism that grows, feeds, and is sheltered on or in a different organism and that does not contribute to the survival of its host. Parasitism the intimate association of 2 different kinds of organisms wherein one benefits at the expense of the other. Macro-parasites composed of many cells, can be seen without the use of microscope; cycles through transmission stages (eggs and larvae) which pass into the external environment, do not multiply in the host. Virus ultimate micro-parasite smaller than bacteria; neither cells nor organisms; can only reproduce within their host can be killed if their dna or rna is destroyed. Incubation period -interval of time required for development of a disease. Latent period -seemingly inactive period between exposure to an infection and subsequent illness.