HLTB21H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 01: Lyme Disease, Herd Immunity, Parasitism
Document Summary
Peter turner (ww2 veteran) commander of pennsylvania division of american legion. Attended american legion convention and stayed at the bellvue-stratford hotel. Loss of memory of 221 legionaries that fell sick, 33 including turner died from pneumonia this outbreak was referred to as legionnarie"s disease statistical studies revealed that all who became ill had spent more time at the bellevue hotel. Probable pathway for spread of disease: air aspiration of bacteria (legionella) spread of germ through hotel air conditioning system. Outbreaks have been traced to water heaters, whirlpool baths, respiratory therapy equipment and ultrasonic misters used in grocery stores. Mary benton doubling over in pain when she went to bathroom. Red rash moving from thighs to face to abdomen to arms. Despite treatment her condition worsened and she died of multiogran failure low blood pressure, hepatitis, renal insufficiency, internal blood clots. This new disease was named toxic shock syndrome. Tss continued to rise among previously healthy young women.