HLTB21H3 Chapter Notes -Vibrio, Microorganism, Cholera Toxin

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29 Apr 2011

Document Summary

I ndirect transmission: oral-fecal route -- by eating vibrio-contaminated food and bathing in (an swallowing) contaminated water. Cholera: historical context (3), epidemiology, science contributions (2), transmission, etiology (2), symptoms (2), causes, susceptibility, The germ that causes cholera is known as vibrio cholerae discovered by robert koch. Water- or food-borne disease that does not manifest itself until the. Bacteria goes dormant and enters into a sporelike stage when their reproductive stage isn"t favoured. V. cholerae must be infected by two other viruses: 1) one has a gene that codes for the cholera toxin. 2) one has a gene that codes for the receptor that allows the toxin- coding virus to enter the bacterium. Miasmatists -- pettenkofer believed that x (a factor in the air), along with factor y was required for the disease to emerge, which he found in the soil. These two factors gave rise to z (a miasma) this is what caused cholera.