HLTB21H3 Chapter Notes -Measles Vaccine, Paramyxoviridae, Rhinitis

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25 Nov 2012

Document Summary

A. k. a. rubeola, hard measles, red measles, 9-day measles, morbilli. Characterized by fever and typical red rash combined with cough, coryza or conjunctivitis. Caused by virus: genus : moribillivirus, family : paramyxoviridae. Cannot survive on surface, but can survive in microdroplets. Highly contagious via nose, mouth, direct contact. Period of communicability: from slightly before prodromal phase until 4 days after rash forms. Incubation period from exposure to fever : ~10 days. Incubation period from exposure to rash : ~14 days. Areas with low/no vaccination have epidemics every 2-5 yrs. 50 million cases and 1. 5 million deaths / year in developing countries. Infants usually have passive immunity due to maternal antibodies: protects infant fro 6-9months depending on amount of antibodies acquired. Single dose of measles vaccine confers long-term (possibly lifelong) immunity. Prodromal phase: fever, cough, coryza, conjunctivitis, small whitish specks on reddened areas of mucosal lining (koplik"s spots, lasts for 3-7 days until reddish rash appears.

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